Adding a Project Template

You can create a template from scratch, or you can copy an existing template to create a new template that is similar to the original. During the template creation process, you will answer questions to help tailor the template to your firm's needs. Customizing your templates in this way can reduce the amount of setup that you need to perform when creating individual projects.

The template options that are available to you are determined by selections made in the project type, as well as your answers to the tailoring questions.

Note: A gray lock icon indicates the question is locked at the project type level. The lock icon is yellow if the question is locked in the template.

ClosedCreate a template from scratch.

  1. ClosedOpen the Templates list.
    • From Dashboard. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Configuration > Project templates under Workstream.
    • In Workstream. Click Templates in the Manage group on the Manage ribbon.
  2. Click.
  3. Enter information on the General Information tab. See Managing General Information for a Project Template for detailed instructions.
    • Project Information section. This section includes basic identifying information for the template.
    • Questions section. Answer the questions to specify the items to include in projects created from this template.
  4. Set defaults to use in projects created from this template on the Closedother template tabs as needed. Some tabs might not be visible, depending on the project type and your answers to the tailoring questions.

    Tip: Use the 50% rule to decide if you want to set a default in a project template. If a field uses the same information at the project level more than 50% of the time, set that default at the template level.

    • Key Tracking Dates. Specify how a project's planned start and finish dates should be set. If your firm has set up milestones, you can also specify how milestone dates are set.
    • Form Due Dates. Select forms with statutory due dates for projects created with this template.
    • Roles. Select the roles needed for projects, and, if needed, assign those roles. You can assign roles to specific staff members, to a team, or to the client responsible staff.
    • Worksteps. Add, edit, or delete worksteps.
    • Budget and Billing. Select the settings for the budget and billing rates for each project created from the template.
    • Notifications. Set up the notifications that will be used to help communicate project status..
    • Custom Fields. Select the custom fields to be used in projects. You should also enter the values for those fields that will flow to projects created with the template.
    • Delivery Methods. Select the methods that should be used to deliver projects to clients.
    • Linked Files. If there are files other than work objects that should be linked to projects or worksteps, add them here.
    • Roll Forward Rules. Define the rules applied when a project is rolled forward.
  5. Click Save.

ClosedCreate a template by copying another template.

You can copy any active template to create a new template. All the settings from the original template are applied to the new one by default. You can either accept these settings without reviewing them, or you can open and edit the new template as part of the creation process.

  1. ClosedOpen the Templates list.
    • From Dashboard. Open Dashboard, click Application Links on the navigation panel, and then click Configuration > Project templates under Workstream.
    • In Workstream. Click Templates in the Manage group on the Manage ribbon.
  2. In the grid, select a template that is the same project type as the template you want to create, and then click . You cannot change the project type in a copied template.
  3. Enter a unique ID and name for the new template.
  4. If you want to review or make changes to the template before saving it, select the Open template check box. Clear this box if you do not want to view the template settings.
  5. Click Create Template.
    • If you selected the Open template check box, the template opens so you can review and edit the settings. See Create a template from scratch above for more information on the tabs in the template.
    • If you did not select the Open template check box, the template is added to the template list using the settings from the original template. The template is ready to use.

Note: The form due dates, milestone dates (configured on the Key Tracking Dates page), and custom fields that can be selected in a template are configured in Lists. Roles are defined in Staff Manager.